
Feering CofE

Primary School

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Our main objective is to raise funds for the benefit of the children of Feering Primary School. We organise a number of events for the children throughout the year. Examples include marathons, discos, treasure hunts and a Christmas Fayre. For the whole family there are quiz nights and separate parent functions. It is a great way for parents to get to know one another and get involved in the school community.


In recent years the FPTA has been proud to raise funds that have benefited the children in a variety of ways. These funds have, among other things, bought science equipment, IT equipment, new whiteboards for the classrooms, football equipment, a lighting system for school plays and provided coach travel and ice-cream at the school Christmas pantomime trip. There are also a series of fundraising events taking place, see details on posters around the school and the ‘upcoming events’ pages.


All parents and carers of Feering school children are welcome to join the Feering Parents and Teachers Association (FPTA), to share new ideas and fundraising suggestions and get involved in the events. Meetings are informal and friendly, providing an excellent opportunity for parents to play an active and positive part in the school community and have their say in how funds are spent.


If you would like to contact the FPTA their email address is:
