
Feering CofE

Primary School

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Strategic Principles

Strategic Principles- arising from what we believe and how we behave.


These are presented in no particular order and are of equal value within our community.


We will work continuously to improve the quality of learning.


We will ensure that our service to our community is driven by a cycle of continuous improvement, we continually strive to create an innovative, engaging and enriching curriculum. Quality will not just be restricted to the learning, but will include the entire pupil and parent experience. We will work with our staff, our parents, our pupils, the Church and Diocese, the wider community, the LA and Ofsted to make the service we provide ever more effective and support a culture where we can continuously improve and develop effective practice. We will provide information about the outcomes of the learning we provide, complying with national inspections and regulation.


We will, in partnership with the Church, place Christian Worship vision and values at the centre of everything.


We will recognise that parents may chose our academies do so because they see the importance of the church’s role in helping to foster Christian values in our pupils. We are therefore committed to making the partnership with the Church strength of our provision. The Church of England’s Vision for Education provide us with the four pillars of wisdom, hope, community and dignity which support our academies in their pursuit of life in all its fullness for our community and impact on all activities.


We will strive for the most effective and sustainable use of resources.


We will create safe, stimulating learning environments and continuously seek to improve our efficiency, productivity and performance in order to provide the best value for public money. We are committed to caring for God’s creation in the sustainable use of resources, will aim to reduce our use of energy and other natural resources and minimise the production of waste.


We will treat every pupil with dignity and respect.


We will treat every pupil as a valued individual, with respect for their dignity seeing their preciousness. Our aim is to give each pupil the learning experience we would want for our families and ourselves in order to achieve positive outcomes (which may be many and varied) for each and every pupil.


We will shape our provision around the needs and preferences of pupils and parents.


As far as possible, we will strive to develop the partnership between home and school. Wherever possible, we will offer parents a high level of involvement in their child’s learning and will seek to engage them, individually and jointly, in designing and improving our service to the school community.


We are committed to inclusion, social integration and closing the disadvantage gap.


We are committed to equality for all regardless of their age, disability, gender, language, national, ethnic or social origin race, religion or sexual orientation. We will seek to provide learning that is culturally sensitive to the needs of different communities and promote an awareness of diversity, preparing children to be future global citizens. We will aim to include everyone, we will value all and celebrate success.


We will support and value our staff.


The strength of our school lies in our staff, whose skills, expertise and dedication underpin all that we do. We strive to achieve genuine teamwork. They have the right to be treated with respect and dignity by everyone in the school community We will continue to support, recognise, reward and invest in individuals, providing opportunities for staff to progress in their careers and encouraging their education, training and personal development.


We will respect the confidentiality of individual pupils and provide access to information about the school and performance.


We will respect the confidentiality of staff, parents and pupils including access to their information. Wherever possible, we will provide high quality information and support to parents in relation to the provision that is available. We will publish regular information about our performance to allow parents to make informed choices, promoting the school as widely as possible.
